Postural Training for Digital Workers

From EUR €30.00
  • Duration: 1 Hours (approx.)
  • Location: Ericeira
  • Product code: PVS1YB

If you spend long hours sitting down staring at a computer, then your body most probably will get stiff, your energy stagnant and your mind tired…Try out a Postural Training with us and invest in your overall well-being!

Directly from your desk or workstation, this specific workout is designed to improve your posture, correct your alignment habits, tone your muscles, relieve tension, circulate your vital force energy,  and to relax your mind.

Other benefits of a Postural Training are more energy and better mood. It also expands lung capacity which makes it easier to breathe, reduces the frequency of headaches and risk of injuries, and boosts productivity.

Book a session and check out the results for yourself.